Saturday, March 13, 2010


Sorrow is an 'ununderstandable' process of creating joy. Just as summer is the only process of creating rainy season. One has to enjoy oneself in nature but be prepared for the sorrow that follows. Tears and smiles do exist together because they enrich each other. Just as summer is the mother of rainy season, a tear drop is the mother of smiles. If we hate tear drops we are denied smiles. Those who love tear drops need not pray for smiles. We always try to separate them which is not possible and also not desirable. A story doesn't have only heroes or protagonists. The presence of a villain enhances the effect of the work. we can imagine how dull a literary work would be with out conflicts. But when it comes to life we expect it to be devoid of sorrow. is it possible to have only happiness without sorrow?

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