Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sellers of Spiritual Truth

You come across hawkers selling fruits or tender coconuts in the street. Some of them appear weak and sick. Are you shocked to find them so? Do you expect that they should possess all the vitamins that their products carry? Certainly it is foolish to expect a fruit vendor have all the vitamins that fruit gives us. But when it comes to spiritual vendors we always expect that they should have all the traits that they preach in their discourses. Consequently we are disillusioned sometimes when we find them contrary to our expectations. Here it is to be noted that a milkman need not be strong because he delivers you milk, the highly nutritious drink everyday. Similarly a fruit vendor need not have all the vitamins that are found in fruits. When they sell a product judge them by the utility of their product. Don’t be shocked to find a few sellers of spiritual truth devoid of the things they are talking about or selling.